Happy New Year 2016


As we close out 2016, it has been a good year for Retro home-brew development here at Electric Adventures.  

There have been some family and person health issues I have had to sort through, but I seem to be getting closer to my old self.

  • Meteor Swarm for the NES was released on physical cartridge, Collectorvisions 1st proper NES release
  • A new title got started, with the prototype of Bezerk for Colecovision.

I made progress on other titles, and also released a new version of my Sprite and Tileset editor to assist all home brew developers.

In no particular order the Electric Adventures releases planned for 2016 will consist of:

  • Sydney Hunter (NES)
  • Pyxidis (Coleco/MSX/Spectravideo and NES)
  • Seaquest 99 (Coleco/MSX/Spectravideo)
  • Cavern Fighter (Coleco/MSX/Spectravideo and NES)

Quite a few of these are actually getting quite close to being finished.

Hope everyone has a safe and happy New Years and a prosperous 2017
